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​​Understanding the importance of nutrition as an integral part of a healthy lifestyle is crucial when making the decision to undergo changes in your lifestyle habits.  Once you grasp the basics of nutrition and learn to incorporate the daily recommendations outlined on this site and by Dr. Michael Greger, you will never need to spend time and energy figuring out what to eat.  The following nutrition principles are simple to follow and work with your body in the way it is designed.




  1. Eat a majority of high-energy, water-rich, alkaline vegetables.

  2. Eat proper amounts of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates from ideal plant-based sources.

  3. Avoid acidic foods like sugar, alcohol, dairy, and animal products.

  4. Become a label reader.  Stay away from heavily processed foods and artificial flavoring.

  5. Drink lots of water.




Consuming fresh vegetables with every meal, especially in the morning, greatly assists digestion and how efficiently your body absorbs and eliminates food.




An over indulgence in the following foods will not help you achieve your long-term goals of health and peak-performance.




Often animals raised for human consumption are fed a cocktail of hormones and antibiotics and live in very unsanitary cruel conditions--not ideal for your overall health.  In addition to the unsanitary and cruel conditions animals are subjected to in factory farming, eating meat has been clinically proven to be detrimental to our health and should be avoided.




For some reason, we have been convinced that dairy products are essential for our bodies.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  The truth is only mother’s milk is designed for humans, just as cow’s milk is designed for calves.


There are a number of reasons to be cautious about consuming dairy products.  The list below represents only a few. 


  1. May increase rates of bone fractures and osteoporosis.

  2. Known to increase frequency of colds, flu, and arthritis.

  3. Creates excess mucus production, which affects conditioning and breathing.

  4. Can contain hormones and antibiotics.

  5. Increases and worsens asthma.




Much of the food we eat is overcooked, irradiated, frozen, and loaded with chemicals and preservatives. Try to have fresh whole foods as the majority of your diet.  Don’t underestimate the power and energy contained in live foods.  Become an adamant label reader, know what is in your food and what you are willingly putting into your body.



Eating a diet high in fat has many serious consequences from increased risks of cancer and heart disease to obesity and diabetes.  Avoid processed fats and oils that are solid at room temperature.  




The average American eats over 150 pounds of refined sweeteners and sugar per year, this is approximately 22 tsp of sugar per day.  In fact, almost 25 percent of the total calories consumed in an average diet are from sugar.  According to the USDA, sugar consumption has increased almost every year since 1982 and people who eat diets high in sugar get less calcium, fiber, folate, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, magnesium, iron, and other nutrients.  They also consume fewer fruits and vegetables.  Avoid soft drinks since they account for much of the sugar we consume.




Alcohol is extremely toxic to your body.  Three of the top 10 leading causes of death are related to alcohol consumption.  Alcohol damages your brain and kills thousands of brain cells every time you drink.  Your athletic performance will suffer for at least 12 hours after consuming alcohol.

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