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pH and Acid Overload



All medical physiology texts recognize the pH levels in the bloodstream as one of the most important biochemical balances in the human body.  In fact, all biochemical reaction, including how our body utilizes vitamins, minerals, and enzymes are under pH control.


A scale ranging from 1-14, where 1 is pure acid, 7 is neutral, and 14 is a pure alkaline, is used to measure pH levels.  Human blood needs to stay in a very narrow, slightly alkaline pH range right around 7.3 to 7.4 in order for your cells to stay healthy.


When pH levels drop, cells must adapt to their new unhealthy, acidic environment.  Bacteria, molds, and yeast/fungus thrive in acidic (lowered pH) environments and their own waste products cause even more toxins (acid) to build up.




Most of us lead very acidic lifestyles.  Intense training, stress, diets high in animal protein, sugar, and dairy and low in fresh vegetables all contribute to the problem.  While acids are a normal byproduct of metabolism and the body has mechanisms in place to eliminate them, an overload can prevent these acids from being properly eliminated.  When the body has an excess of acid it can’t get rid of, it is stored in the tissues for later removal.


Signs and symptoms of acid build up:


  • Low energy and fatigue

  • Poor digestion

  • Excess weight (fat)

  • Aches and pains

  • Major disorders--heart disease, diabetes, cancer...


What we eat and drink will impact our body’s pH level.  Acidic foods like meat, dairy, sugar, and alcohol will lower pH.  Alkaline foods like fresh vegetables will raise it.




  • Microorganisms in the blood can become pathogenic and multiply.

  • Enzymes that are normally beneficial can become destructive.

  • Oxygen delivery to cells suffers. videos about: Acid/base balance

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